What Is an Eye Spasm?

By james
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Tweaks and twitches are not uncommon symptoms at all, and they are a part of everyday life for a lot of people. They are involuntary contractions of the muscles and they are usually only slight. They are usually only short lived and completely harmless. They can sometimes be a sign of a serious underlying cause, however.

One example of such a twitch is an eye spasm. Eye spasms happen when the muscles controlling our eyelids contract involuntarily. Here we take a closer look at what eyes spasms are, what can cause them, and what we can do to treat them.

1. Myokymia

Myokymia is the technical medical term for the symptom commonly referred to as eye twitching. It will usually only last for a few seconds, or maybe a few minutes, and is completely harmless in the majority of times. Usually little more than a minor irritant, most people will just carry on regardless as though the twitch was not there.

While these twitches are harmless, they can sometimes be the sign of a potentially serious underlying problem. There is no need to be concerned if they last for only a few minutes or so, but you should speak with a doctor if the symptom persists.

Eye Spasm

2. Eye Strain

Spending a long time looking at screens forces our eyes to remain focused on one thing for long periods of time. If we were to do this then it can strain the muscles that control the pupils, thus resulting in a condition commonly known as eye strain. This can cause a number of unwelcome symptoms, including a headache.

Eye strain is also the cause behind eye spams in some cases. In order to help prevent eye strain, you should try and take breaks to spend a few seconds or so turning away from the screen and looking at something in the distance instead. You can also ask an optician about specialized glasses that will help to relieve the condition.

3. Tiredness

We will all get tired from time to time. It is inevitable, especially when we are hard at work, and even the fittest of people will run out of energy at some point. We when do get tired, our minds and bodies will begin to slow down and we can also experience some other symptoms, including eye spasms.

Eye spams might be a sign that you are not getting enough sleep overall, and this can lead to a number of other problems. Not enough sleep can affect both your physical health and mental health, potentially leading to serious long-term complications.

Eye Spasm

4. Stress

Stress is very common and few, if any, people will never experience it in their lives. This in itself is not usually a problem for us but it can become a very real problem if it persists. If it does persist then it can result in potentially serious mental and health implications.

Stress is one of the most common causes of eye spams and, if they happen too frequently, it is a sign that you need to consider some lifestyle changes. Try and avoid too many late nights at the office and spend more time relaxing with friends and family. Make sure also to get plenty of exercise, and also to eat a healthy, balanced diet.

5. Dry Eyes

Most of the time our eyes will be naturally moist. Fluids are released from our tear ducts and the fluids help to protect the surface of our eyes, as well as providing lubrication for our eyelids. This is not the case for everybody, however, and many people do experience dry eyes.

Dry eyes can cause considerable discomfort, and they can also cause eye spasms. It can be caused by a number of things including sitting in front of a screen for long periods, and it can also be caused by certain medications. If the symptom does persist then you should arrange to see an optician.

Eye Spasm

6. Alcohol

Alcohol is a popular drug that is enjoyed by countless people all over the world. It can help people to relax and feel more comfortable around others. It can also lower inhibitions and this can result in a lot of fun being had. Despite the positives, however, alcohol has some negatives that are well documented.

Alcohol is actually a depressant, and it can cause the eye muscles to start twitching in some people. This is not a problem in itself, but you should take notice if it is happening too frequently. If it is, it would be a good idea to abstain from alcohol, at least temporarily, to help ensure your mental and physical health remain intact.

7. Caffeine

Caffeine is a godsend for many people. Beverages like tea and coffee can help to give us a boost, giving us a perk that helps us to get through the day. It is enjoyed all over the world and in many different forms. Even though it really can be helpful, it is also something that you should avoid having too much of.

Too much caffeine can cause a number of unwelcome symptoms, one of which is eye spasms. Other symptoms include insomnia and it can also lead to anxiety in some cases. By all means enjoy a coffee in the morning, but try and make sure you don’t overdo it.

Eye Spasm

8. Malnutrition

In a busy world, it is quick and convenient to buy premade meals to save you the time of having to cook for yourself. These are often heavily processed, however, and unlikely to be particularly nutritious. This can result in the patient developing malnutrition, no matter how much food they eat.

Malnutrition can make us feel quite terrible and, in some cases, it can even be dangerous. There are numerous potential symptoms of malnutrition, one of which is eye spasms. Make sure to eat a healthy diet of fresh food and make sure to eat a variety of different foods. Speak with a doctor if you have difficulties with nutrition, and if you have digestive issues that might cause it.

9. Allergies

Particles are all around us and most of them are completely harmless. If there is something harmful then our immune systems will spring into action to deal with it. Sometimes, however, our immune system will recognize something harmless as something potentially dangerous. It will then react to deal with the otherwise harmless particles, resulting in what we know as an allergic reaction.

Allergic reactions cause a wide range of symptoms. Most of them, including eye spams, are harmless to us even if they are irritating. Some other symptoms can be very dangerous to us, however. Medication like antihistamines are usually effective in helping to prevent allergic reactions, or reduce the severity of the symptoms.

10. Treatment

Treating an eye spasm will very much depend on the underlying cause and, in many cases, it is not necessary to treat it at all. Treatment in some cases will mean taking better care of yourself. That means eating well, exercising, getting plenty of sleep, and also taking time out to relax and have some fun.

If needed then you can try using eyedrops which are readily available and easy to use, but bear in mind that some can cause dry eyes. In other cases, antihistamines may be able to help by easing the symptoms of allergic reactions. You should always consider speaking with a doctor of the symptoms are severe and/or if they persist.

Eye Spasm

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