What Is Testicular Atrophy?

By kevin
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3. Lifestyle Causes

The abuse of certain drugs may lead to testicular atrophy. Excessive consumption of alcohol, for example, can cause it in one of two different ways. It may cause damage directly to the tissues of the testicles, or it may cause a decrease of testosterone levels, especially if the liver becomes cirrhotic.

Anabolic steroids are another example of drugs that may cause testicles to atrophy. Abuse of them artificially increases testosterone levels and causes the body to shut down its natural production, just as may happen with testosterone replacement therapy. A man who wants to prevent or reverse testicular atrophy should discontinue the use of drugs other than prescription medications and consume alcohol only occasionally. Some medications can also cause testicular atrophy as a side effect, so a patient should discuss changing the dosage with his doctor.

Testicular Atrophy

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