Tag: virus

10 MRSA Symptoms

Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, also known as MRSA, is a staph infection that's resistant to many...

10 Bacterial Infection Symptoms

Bacteria are single-cell microorganisms found virtually everywhere. Many bacteria are helpful, such as those in...

What Is a Viral Infection?

Viruses are tiny germs containing genetic material encapsulated inside a protein coating. Viruses cause many...

What Is Coxsackievirus?

The unusual name of Coxsackievirus may sound unfamiliar, but this pathogen is responsible for one...

What Is a Pathogen?

The term “pathogen” comes from the Greek word “pathos,” which means “suffering, passion, or producer...

10 Common Pathogens

Pathogen is another word for a germ. Basically, it means any organism that can get...

10 Ebola Symptoms

Ebola is a condition that causes viral hemorrhagic fever in humans and other primates. It...

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