10 Home Remedies For Food Poisoning

By james
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Food safety standards are generally much higher than they were in the past. This is largely because we have learned a great deal about pathogens that cause food poisoning and how to stop them from harming us.

We are still not completely safe from food poisoning, though, and even in the West some people will still come down with food poisoning. Food poisoning is not necessarily dangerous, but you should still see a doctor regardless. Some strains can be dangerous to us, although a doctor can still help even if it is not a dangerous strain.

There are also some home remedies that you can try, but remember that you should always take professional medical advice first.

Food Poisoning

Home Remedy #1: Garlic

Garlic is one of those ingredients that can add some much-needed flavor to a wide range of dishes. It is easy to use and even just sprinkling some on can be enough to transform an otherwise bland dish into something amazing. What a lot of people don’t realize is that garlic can also be used to help remedy various ailments.

If you have food poisoning, some garlic might be just what you need. It is known to have antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial properties. These can make it valuable in helping to combat the pathogens that can cause food poisoning. To make the most of its properties, simply swallow a clove of garlic and wash it down with water.

Food Poisoning

Home Remedy #2: Cinnamon Tea

Cinnamon has quite a distinctive flavor and aroma. It is popular in cakes and pastries while it can also be used in a wide range of other foods. In addition to helping make a delicious treat, cinnamon tea can also help in the fight against food poisoning.

Studies have shown that cinnamon is able to fight against certain pathogens. To use it, simply take a cup of water and add a single teaspoon of powdered cinnamon. Allow this to steep for 15 minutes, strain, and then drink the solution. Its antimicrobial properties can then help to combat whatever it is that is making you ill.

Food Poisoning

Home Remedy #3: Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a very popular substance among people that prefer natural remedies to manmade medication. It is also sometimes used in cooking, particularly among people that prefer healthy diets. It is thought to be able to help combat various illness, and food poisoning is one of them.

Many people feel that apple cider vinegar has antimicrobial properties. This means it can be effective in helping in the fight against pathogens that can cause food poisoning. To use it as a remedy for food poisoning, mix in two teaspoons into a cup of warm water and then drink.

Food Poisoning

Home Remedy #4: Yogurt

Yogurt is both healthy and delicious. It is packed full of goodness and can be mixed with fruits and other healthy ingredients for a delicious and nutritious snack. Another of the great benefits that yogurt gives us is that it is also a very good source of probiotics.

Probiotics are bacteria that are helpful to us, particularly when it comes to the digestive system. Eating some yogurt helps to maintain the natural balance of bacteria in the stomach, and this can be helpful in fighting against food poisoning. Regardless of its effectiveness, its great taste and nutritional value mean that there is nothing to lose in trying.

Food Poisoning

Home Remedy #5: Barley Water

Barley water is a beverage that is popular among people that are on a healthy diet. It is filling, nutritious, and low in calories, which is helpful to people that are trying to lose excess weight. It can also be used to help people that are suffering from food poisoning.

Barley water can help relieve inflammation that is caused by food poisoning. It can also help to keep the patient hydrated, which can be very important in cases of food poisoning. To make barley water, add a cup of barley to a liter of water and boil for around 15 minutes. Then, when the liquid has cooled, slowly drink it. Rice can also be used instead of barley.

Food Poisoning

Home Remedy #6: Ginger

Ginger is an ancient remedy that was used in China and elsewhere in Southeast Asia. It is also delicious and is used in a wide range of dishes from across the world. It is thought to have antimicrobial properties thanks largely to a compound known as gingerol.

Gingerol’s antimicrobial properties can be very useful in the fight against food poisoning. It can also help us to absorb the nutrients we get from our food, which is important when we could otherwise be struggling to get the nutrition that we need. Mix some ginger in warm water and drink it for the benefits it provides. You can also add some honey.

Food Poisoning

Home Remedy #7: Lemon Juice

You’re not likely to want to bite into a lemon. The sourness is likely to cause you to pull some unusual faces. It is still used in cooking as an ingredient, though, and you will often find lemon juice in kitchens around the world. Not only does it help to add flavor and sourness but lemon also has various health benefits.

Lemon is often used to help to heal the body overall. It is a very good source of antioxidants and can also help with digestion. To use it as a remedy for food poisoning, simply take a glass of water and add the juice from half a lemon.

Food Poisoning

Home Remedy #8: Coriander

Coriander or cilantro, also known as Chinese parsley, is an herbaceous plant that is sometimes used in cooking. It has quite a large natural habitat, ranging from Southern Europe, Northern Africa, and parts of Asia. It has a tart, citrus flavor, although a small percentage of people think it tastes similar to soap.

Coriander has long been used as a remedy for ailments such as diarrhea and gas. What’s more is that studies have shown that coriander seeds have antibacterial properties. You can use coriander by making coriander tea, which involves adding 1 teaspoon of coriander seeds or half a teaspoon of coriander powder to boiling water.

Food Poisoning

Home Remedy #9: Bananas

Bananas are a godsend to many people. Not only are they packed full of important nutrients, but they are also very convenient to eat. In bananas, people that are always on the move have ready access to an energy boosting and easy snack. Plus, they taste great.

You should also eat bananas if you are suffering from food poisoning. They are high in potassium, helping to replace potassium that may have been lost through sickness. They are also a very good source of fiber, which is well known to help promote a healthy gut. Just eat it as it is or maybe mix it with some curd and it can help you to get well sooner.

Food Poisoning

Home Remedy #10: Cumin

Cumin is a popular spice that is made from a flowering plant of the Apiaceae family. Its natural habitat ranges from the Middle East to East India, and the plant’s seeds are used to make the spice. The spice is used around the world in a huge range of dishes, particularly curries.

Cumin is also often used to help deal with problems of the digestive system, such as gas and diarrhea. Studies have shown that it is able to help fight against certain bacteria that are often the cause for cases of food poisoning. To use cumin as a remedy for food poisoning, add around 25–30 cumin seeds to a cup of water and let them simmer for around 20 minutes. You should then drink the water when it has cooled enough.

Food Poisoning

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