What Is an Endoscopy?

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
Article Sources Article Sources
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8. Other Organs

An endoscope can be used in pretty much any place experts can gain access to. Accordingly, another relatively common procedure is a bronchoscopy. This is performed when a pulmonologist inserts an instrument (bronchoscope)via the mouth inside the airways to visualize them for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.

Common indications for a bronchoscopy are a persistent cough, something unusual on a chest radiograph or test, or infection. It is also used to obtain samples (tissue or mucus), to remove foreign bodies, or to provide treatment. Furthermore, hysteroscopy, or the inspection of the uterus by endoscopy, can also be performed. This study is diagnostic and therapeutic as well. Indications for hysteroscopy include abnormal uterine bleeding, removal of intrauterine devices or other foreign bodies, and more.


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