What Is Hypophosphatasia?

By amanda
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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2. What Are the Symptoms of Hypophosphatasia?

There are six different types of this condition: odontohypophosphatasia, prenatal benign hypophosphatasia, perinatal hypophosphatasia, infantile hypophosphatasia, childhood hypophosphatasia and adult hypophosphatasia. The symptoms can range from loss of teeth to bone deformation. The severity of the illness varies depending on the activity of the phosphatase enzyme. Lower activity of this enzyme leads to a more severe form of the disease.

In some people, only dental problems occur, while other people experience only bone problems. The severity of symptoms is directly correlated with the degree to which the body’s activity of residual alkaline phosphatase is impacted. Some people experience mild health issues that improve as they enter adolescence, while others may develop severe complications.


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