10 Sever's Disease Symptoms

By april
Reviewed: dr. vanta
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. 'Sever's Disease FAQ: What Is It? What Are Symptoms And Treatment?' Washington University Orthopedics, www.ortho.wustl.edu/content/Patient-Care/3189/Services/Pediatric-and-Adolescent-Orthopedic-Surgery/Overview/Knee-Education-Overview/Severs-Disease.aspx
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Foot Stiffness Upon Waking

If a child's feet feel like stiff boards when they first roll out of bed in the morning, they might have Sever's disease. The Achilles tendon gets tight at night during rest. When it's stretched in the mornings, it pulls at the insertion point in the heel bone, which is already inflamed and painful.

Stiffness in the feet upon waking is a symptom of Sever's disease that can mimic other problems. It's important to see a medical professional to rule out other ailments.

Sever's Disease

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