Tag: kid health

10 Galactosemia Symptoms

Galactosemia is an inherited disorder that prevents infants from processing a type of sugar called...

10 Signs of Preterm Labor

Pregnancy is an equally wonderful and scary experience because of the physical, mental and emotional...

10 RSV Symptoms in Babies

Babies have fragile immune systems, and getting sick is part of how they get stronger....

10 Cat's Cry Syndrome FAQs

Cat's cry syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that affects growth and development. Its alternate...

10 Impetigo Symptoms

Impetigo is a contagious skin infection that's frequently seen in young children. However, a person...

What Is Rotavirus?

Having a sick child can be quite scary. This is especially true when your little...

What Is Parainfluenza?

When you or your child develop respiratory symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, chest pain and...

What Is Rubella?

Some diseases have been all but wiped off the planet, thanks largely to vaccines that...

What Is Impetigo?

People are always picking up scratches here and there. It tends to happen most among...

What Is the Mumps?

Our saliva glands release saliva into our mouths whenever needed. The important of the fluid...

What Is Roseola?

Some diseases are so common that most people will catch it at some point in...

What Is HFMD?

As we get older, we will be exposed to more and more pathogens as time...

What Is Reye's Syndrome?

Although it is a rare condition, Reye’s syndrome can be very serious. This syndrome is...

What Is Herpangina?

Most children go through a string of illnesses, particularly when they are very young, while...

What Is Infantigo?

Focusing on your health can take many forms. Though the skin covers the human body...

What Is Croup?

Most people have heard of the common cold, but unless you have children, you may...

What Is a Febrile Seizure?

The thought of your baby falling seriously ill is something that terrifies parents around the...

What Is Whooping Cough?

Whooping cough can be quite a dramatic illness. It tends to affect infants, which is...

What Is Thrush?

Thrush is a fungal infection, and the fungi responsible is common. It can be spread...

What Causes Thrush?

Thrush is quite common. Women tend to get it more than men do, but many...

What Is Scarlet Fever?

Scarlet fever is a disease whose name once struck fear into children and adults alike....

What Is Fragile X?

Fragile X syndrome is also known as marker or Martin-Bell syndrome. It is a common...

10 Causes of Spina Bifida

Spina bifida is a birth defect where the affected individual has an incomplete closing of...

10 Rotavirus Symptoms

The rotavirus is so called because of its round appearance when it was first spotted...

10 Dyspraxia Symptoms

Dyspraxia, also known as developmental coordination disorder, is a chronic neurological disorder that begins in...

10 Signs and Symptoms of RSV

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a virus that causes respiratory tract infections. It contributes to...

10 Symptoms of Roseola

Roseola is a disease that nearly always affects children, although adults can catch it on...

10 Symptoms of Croup

The soft tissues of the throat are particularly susceptible to infections. In adults, this will...

10 Home Remedies For Croup

Croup is a condition known as laryngotracheobronchitis. It is a type of respiratory infection that...

10 Oral Thrush Symptoms

Candida albicans is a type of fungus that resides in the mouth all year round....

10 Mumps Symptoms

Mumps is a disease that is caused by the mumps virus (Rubulavirus). The symptoms usually...

10 Rubella Symptoms

Rubella, more commonly known as German measles or three-day measles, is a contagious disease caused...

10 Whooping Cough Symptoms

Whooping cough is characterized by intense fits of coughing punctuated by “whooping” sounds that patients...

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