10 Causes of a Bloated Stomach

By jolene
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Cause #5: Reflux and Heartburn

Heartburn is the burning or painful sensation that is often felt in the chest due to reflux. The sensation is often described as a burning or dull ache felt in the central chest or behind the sternum. Reflux occurs when there is backflow of acid from the stomach into the esophagus. This may happen when the gastroesophageal sphincter relaxes due to many possible reasons.

Triggers of heartburn are certain foods, stress, medication, and obesity. The discomfort felt in a reflux can radiate to the angle of the jaw, throat, or neck, and is often mistaken as a heart-related condition. Patients with heartburn can experience burping and abdominal bloating.

Bloated Stomach

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