Causes of Swollen Lymph Nodes in Armpit

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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4. Strep Throat

It is not uncommon for kids to get a sore throat. In many cases, it is down to tonsillitis, whereas at other times it might be down to the flu or the cold. Some kids will also get a sore throat because they have strep throat. Strep throat is a fairly common condition that can be painful, and it can also cause swollen lymph nodes. Strep throat itself is not dangerous, but it should still be treated as soon as it is noticed.

This is partly to help relieve the patient of their pain, but mostly because it can develop into more serious conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and scarlet fever. Strep throat typically will cause swelling of lymph nodes in the neck vs. arm pit; however, strep throat is a virus that can cause multiple sites of swelling.

Lymph Nodes

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