Tag: inflammation

10 Polymyositis Symptoms

Polymyositis is part of a group of muscle diseases called inflammatory myopathies. Inflammation occurs within...

10 Osteomyelitis Symptoms

Osteomyelitis is a bone infection that can cause several symptoms in patients. Infections in the...

What Is Myositis?

Myositis is the term given to conditions that cause muscle inflammation. The disorder is typically...

What Is Vasculitis?

We have blood vessels of different sizes in our body and this enables the whole...

What Is Inflammation?

If we injure ourselves then our body will immediately react to help repair the damage...

What Is Uveitis?

You are probably familiar with the cornea, retina, pupil and lens of the eye. These...

What Is Nephritis?

Anything that goes into our bodies is likely to contain toxins and other substances that...

What Is Epiglottitis?

When we are eating, it is important that the food we swallow does not go...

What Is Myocarditis?

Our blood is essential to us. It is a fluid that allows essential resources to...

What Is Duodenitis?

Ensuring the good health of our digestive system is very important. It is essential to...

What Are NSAIDS?

Drugs are very common nowadays. Indeed, most households will have some type of drug in...

What Is Sarcoidosis?

Sarcoidosis is a disease that presents itself in a variety of ways. The technical classification...

What Is Polymyositis?

Polymyositis is a rare condition that causes the patient to experience considerable loss of muscle...

10 Uveitis Symptoms

The uvea refers to the pigmented part of the three concentric layers of the eye....

10 Polymyositis Symptoms

Polymyositis is a condition where there is chronic inflammation of the muscles. The inflammation is...

10 Myocarditis Symptoms

Myocarditis is a condition where there is inflammation of the heart muscle. It is also...

10 Symptoms of Sarcoidosis

Sarcoidosis is a chronic inflammatory disease with an unknown cause which can affect various organs...

10 Vasculitis Symptoms

Vasculitis includes a group of various uncommon diseases which are characterized by an inflammation of...

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